Thoughts on: Open Letter to CEOs Who Oppose Paternity Leave…

The PopLyfe
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2018

So many men are working hard for the welfare and care of our families. Yet, at the time our families could use us most, we’re denied spending that crucial time to help through the transition. Mothers need the help, siblings need the help, and the baby benefits from the bonding that happened in those first few weeks. Yet the expectation, and in some cases self-imposed pressure, is that fathers need to get back to work — ASAP. Or worse, they get no time off at all.

Work-life balance too often bends toward work. Typically this is out of the expectations put on men (and almost all working parents for that matter) to provide for their families and out of fear that working parents will miss out on advancements or be seen as less committed to their company or job. Often it’s an unfair assessment.

More of us need to put our family first so that these expectations of commitment to work first can change. CEO’s, as the leaders and arbiters of policy need to embrace the balance their workforce deserves as well. Make it acceptable and expected that parents take time off to take care of their families.

For everyone committed to strengthening businesses, families, and the cause of gender equality, this is what we’re up against. It’s what I write about in All In: How Our Work-First Culture Fails Dads, Families, and Businesses — And How We Can Fix It Together

In response to an article by Josh Levs on the Huufington Post



The PopLyfe

Founder & Designer of goods at The PopLyfe Shop | Design Junkie, Father & Football Fanatic. @sean505 | @PopLyfeShop |