Photo by Bill Oxford


InfoWars’ Millie Weaver pleads not guilty to felony charges in Portage County

Weaver was charged alongside her partner and brother after an altercation with her mother in Palmyra Township

The Portager
The Portager
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2020


By Sara Crawford and Maria McGinnis
News Lab

Millicent “Millie” Weaver, 29, an InfoWars contributor, and her partner, Gavin Wince, 45, pleaded not guilty in Portage County Common Pleas Court on Monday morning after being indicted by a grand jury on three felony charges related to an argument Weaver had with her mother.

Sheriff’s deputies arrested Wince, Weaver and her brother, 26-year-old Charles Weaver Jr., on Friday at a house they share in Palmyra Township. The charges stem from an incident in April in which prosecutors say the three pinned down Weaver’s mother, Felicia McCarron, and took her phone.

McCarron moved to Palmyra township to live with her daughter after the Covid-19 pandemic closed her place of employment in North Hollywood, Calif., according to a Portage County Sheriff’s Office case report.

On the day of the incident, deputies say Weaver was arguing with McCarron and calling her names. McCarron began recording audio with her phone, and the three defendants wrestled McCarron to the ground and took the phone.

McCarron then ran to a neighbor’s house and called 911.

The three defendants were charged with second-degree felony robbery; tampering with evidence, a third-degree felony; obstructing justice, a fifth-degree felony; and first-degree misdemeanor domestic violence.

They were each released on their own recognizance Monday morning, and Judge Becky L. Doherty set their bond at $20,000.

Weaver posted a video of herself during the arrest as a Portage County deputy radioed for more transport vehicles and explained that she had been indicted by a grand jury. In the video, as she gathered her shoes to leave the house, she said she was about to “break huge, breaking news” and said she was confused about what was happening.

Weaver joined InfoWars in 2012 and is known as a conservative political activist and social commentator. She is most recognized for her contributions to the InfoWars website and YouTube videos on her channel “Millennial Millie,” which has more than 430,000 subscribers. Many of her videos deal with false conspiracy theories about a “deep state” within the federal government.

On Weaver’s YouTube page, she had recently teased a documentary called “ShadowGate,” which she described on Twitter as “the biggest whistleblowing event to date.”

Over the weekend, Weaver’s national fanbase mobilized online questioning the charges, implying local officials in Portage County are part of an effort to silence her.

One of them, Mark Dice, author of The Liberal Media Industrial Complex and right-wing conservative YouTuber, posted about the case on his Facebook page. “Did the prosecutor decide to file charges … to bog Millie down in the justice system because she was getting ready to release her documentary Shadow Gate? Or because she’s affiliated with Alex Jones and wanted to ‘get’ them?”

This article was produced through a reporting partnership with the Collaborative News Lab @ Kent State University.

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