The Elixir of Touch

Harvey Kraft
The Portal
Published in
1 min readMay 20, 2017

The daily inhalation of the elixir of wisdom gas the power to touch the essence of one’s life…

The sense of touch

Is not just physical and sensual.

It is an extension of consciousness.

It can trigger a variety of emotions.

It can delight

It can unnerve

It can hurt

It can be desirable

It can be euphoric

It can repulse.


To be touched in the heart

Arouses compassion.


A touching story

Produces empathy.


To be touched by loved ones

Is a gift of intimacy.


To be disconnected, disengaged,

Alone even in a crowd,

To suffer from a lack of touching,

While craving unrequited touch,

Requires a healing potion.


Available through Higher Consciousness

The daily inhalation of

The elixir of wisdom

Has the power to touch

The essence of one’s life

With the wonder of happiness.


(Words: Harvey Kraft; Image: Elena Vizerskaya aka KaSSandrA)

