How Dancing Affects Your Body

Molly Richardson
The Positive Impacts of Dance
1 min readDec 14, 2018

As we all know, dancing is very beneficial in the physical aspect. Dancing can improve the condition of your heart and lungs, increase muscular strength, has good weight management, can make your bones stronger, increase your agility and flexibility, improves balance and spatial awareness, improves mental functioning, teaches better social skills, provides a greater self confidence and self esteem, and the list could go on. According to an article called, “How Dancing Makes you Smarter” by Arthur Murray, “Dancing incorporates complex movements and motor learning, creative expression and interpersonal communication. Dancing activates many areas of the brain, including those not typically involved in movement.” The reason dancing can stimulate the brain is because dancers have to learn how to pick up choreography in a quick manner, memorize patterns constantly, memorize certain formations, learn how to compromise their dancing with other dancers to match them in dances, and memorize body placements while at the same time thinking about other dance aspects. The benefits of learning new steps and new patterns is good for developing the brain. Dancing also causes dancers to make split-second decisions repeatedly, enforcing critical thinking skills. Overall, dance is both a body and brain workout.

