How Dancing Impacted/Impacts Me Personally

Molly Richardson
The Positive Impacts of Dance
2 min readDec 14, 2018

I started dancing when I was three years old, and I started competitive dance when I was eight years old. So I can’t really remember a time where I wasn’t dancing. I remember telling my mom that I originally didn’t want to do dance because I didn’t want to wear tights, but she had me try classes anyway to see if I liked it. And after that I never stopped dancing. Within the past three years I have grown tremendously as a dancer, and within those past three years, I realized that dance is way more than just something to do for fun. The more my body and mind grow, the more hardships i go through, the more I realize how much I need dance in my life. There have been times where I lose motivation for literally everything, but then going to the studio and dancing instantly inspires me to do more with my life. Dancing is what I look forward to in my everyday life, I feel as if it makes me a well rounded person, it makes me strive for more in life, and it brings my closer to people who share the same passion that I do. Dance really is something special, it’s the reason I have the people I care about the most in my life, it’s the reason I have motivation to get up every day, and it gives me just overall happiness. Within the past month, I had suffered from a minor injury that took me out of dance for a few weeks. I have never realized more how much my life could change just from not doing what I love for just a few weeks. Overall, I feel as if dancing is good for the body, the heart, and the mind.

