How Dancing Makes You an Overall Better Person

Molly Richardson
The Positive Impacts of Dance
2 min readDec 14, 2018

To start off, Dancers are way more sensitive than people with no dance experience. Dance is known do be somewhat of an, “empathy training” activity. This can make dancers more trusting and can make them think more about situations and improve their solving skills. Dancing also takes long-time commitment to improvement, which can also increase patience in dancers. Dancers know how to put forth lots of effort in not just dancing, but overall skills. They see “failures” as opportunities to improve and grow off of their mistakes, they see this in competitions, performances, and in just in general. Dancing teaches responsibility, dancers are always responsible for their uniforms, taking classes, and basically all of the other aspects of dance. It is all up to the dancer to improve and grow, the teachers can only do so much. This improves their responsibilities outside of dance too, prioritizing, time management, and many other responsibilities. Dancers also know how to take matters seriously and focus on the main task. In dance, dancers have to constantly remind themselves of their body placements and repeatedly have to focus on how they move, what comes next in choreography, and much more. This favors them outside of dance because they know how to execute this skills in many other situations. Dancing can enhance creativity as well, dancing teaches dancers to listen to music, interpret their own emotions connected to that song, and learn how to execute their thoughts into movements. Overall, dance can make people become very well-rounded and can teach them many important skills that don’t always have to do with dance.

