10 Ways to Integrate Mindful Meditation Into Your Life

Linda Luke
The Positopian
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2021

You’ve probably heard that mindful meditation is a good way to relieve stress or anxiety and improve general well-being, but it sounds like you have to go sit somewhere, close your eyes and meditate like a yogi. While that is one possibility, there are many other ways to practice this healing tool.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not very good at the whole meditating thing. There are times when it works for me, but most of the time I somehow get lost in the trying instead of the experience. Practicing mindfulness feels more natural and has similar benefits.

Being mindful happens when you slow down and pay attention fully to the present moment. It clears your mind and creates space for you to breathe and just be.

You likely already practice mindful meditation without realizing it. It comes in those moments when you realize you’ve been lost in something and time has sped by. Or, when the world seems to have slowed down so much that you can focus on intricate details of something you are seeing, touching, smelling, hearing or doing.

I choose to incorporate mindfulness throughout my days with deep focus activities and remembering that every moment is precious and real. Here are some of the ways I do that.

  • Chewing slowly and savoring my food
  • Taking deep breaths throughout my day
  • Saying a prayer of gratitude or mantra when I wash my hands
  • Jigsaw puzzles and crosswords
  • Spending time in nature
  • Listening to piano solos on Pandora when I want to relax or before bed
  • Going for a walk and focusing on the sounds of my steps or what is around me. If I feel stressed, I may count my steps or repeat a mantra while walking.
  • Journaling and writing
  • Learning to draw and play with watercolors
  • Sitting on one of my porches and listening or watching the birds, rabbits and squirrels
  • Physical work like mowing or gardening
  • Getting lost in a good book

So, the question is: What mindful things are you already doing and how can you bring more mindfulness into your life?

It’s easy, free and will help you feel more peaceful and alive. What could be better than that?

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Linda Luke
The Positopian

Providing inspiration, tools, and coaching support for women who want to lead more peaceful & meaningful lives. lifecoachlinda.com