4 Pillars of a More Fulfilling Life

The FLAG Movement
The Positopian
Published in
5 min readAug 13, 2017
“Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfilment.” — Tony Robbins

There’s no magic bullet, there’s no money-back-guarantee. This life, the life you’re living right now is all on you. Our existence is a result of choices which compound over time. We get to choose what choices we make, when we make them and in which direction they compound towards. But above all else, it’s only ever choices that separate you and your fulfilment from anybody else.

It’s so important to make the foundational choices that allow you to lead a positive and fulfilling life. Without understanding that we are all connected, that we all have an affect on one another we lead with a singular perspective; that it’s all about us. You affect me, and I affect you, and in accepting that, it’s in our best interest to treat each other with love and kindness.

Bringing it back to choices, we get to choose how we view life. Whether you take the viewpoint that the world is beautiful or not, you’ll manifest that into your life depending on the mindset you take towards it. Because it’s all connected.

So, in order to allow yourself the opportunity to live a fulfilling life you have to choose to see the world through a positive, loving, and compassionate lens. In order to do that, you have to build your foundation with four key pillars.

The 4 Pillars of Finding Fulfillment

  1. Radiate Love
  2. Show Others that You Care
  3. Understand That Together We’re Better
  4. Let Life Be Beautiful

Radiate Love

Everyday, every moment and every encounter presents an opportunity that we should choose to embrace with love. It’s in our nature to care so why not allow others to see that; often and with a full-heart.

The great thing is that life is filled with reciprocity. When you show kindness and love, love will come back to you. The universe has a way of sending back what you’ve put out.

Lastly, the best part of radiating love is that it’s an opportunity to brighten the space of those around you. Spirituality and self-help author, David Deida said in his new book Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide To Life & Death And Love & Sex:

“Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love or muddy the room in depression. Your glance can awaken joy. Your words can inspire freedom. Your every act can open hearts and minds.”

Show Others That You Care

In any instance you can choose to act with judgement or compassion, and with that you can either prevent or build beautiful, heartfelt relationships.

One of our most natural behaviours is to feel saddened for others who are in a less than an ideal place. But we can do so much more when we lend our mind and heart to show them that we care.

Try it, next time you are getting subtle hints that something is off, extend a kind word to help them feel not alone. Tell them, “hey, I’m here for you.” or, “No matter what it is, and you don’t have to tell me, I’m here for support.” And if they do tell you, try feeling with them with an empathetic response, “I’m not sure how to respond to that but, I’m just happy you told me.” or if you do know “Hey, I know what this is like. You’re not alone.”

In doing so, it’s vitally important to understand the difference between empathy and sympathy. Empathy fuels connection and sympathy drives disconnection. And to truly be empathetic we must first be brave enough to face our own hardships. This is brilliantly captured in the short animation of Brene Browns: Empathy vs Sympathy.

Understand That Together We’re Better

Consciously accepting that we do not know everything and that someone may be able to answer something we can not is the first step. The second is allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to let people in so that they can offer their experience on a similar experience.

It’s the same logic but one a far longer journey. We’re not always comfortable letting others in, and we often fear judgement but taking this step is important. The more we understand that together we’re better the more often we will be met with open arms not closed minds.

“None of us, including me do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together, we can do something wonderful.” — Mother Teresa

Let Life Be Beautiful

We owe it to ourselves to walk the line of selfishness while masking our awareness of the world with a dress weaved of naivety.

In other words, understand that there is bad in the world and that from time to time it can be unbearably ugly. But we can be selfish for our selves to protect our view of the world so that it preserves its fondness and kindness. We must understand that the good in the bad exists with the bad in the good and in balancing those two we can choose to let life be beautiful for we understand it, acknowledge it and therefore are fulfilled by our choices.

At FLAG we believe in these pillars because with them we can change the world. If tomorrow everyone started to love not hate, to accept not judge, to show compassion not rejection, be inclusive not exclusive and to choose to find the silver lining instead of focusing on the bad… Imagine the world we could create. That’s the change we wish to make in the world and if you want to support that, check out our site.

We created simple, modern designs to bring life to lessons learned. We then bring them to life by allowing them to be the inspiration for our work. We do this so that everyone can be apart of the change this world needs by wearing what you believe is needed most.

Check out the shop at theflagmovement.com

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The FLAG Movement
The Positopian

Real people, real stories. Changing behaviour, bias and judgement through sharing struggles we all go through. www.theflagmovement.com