How Conscious Are You?

Isabel Campanelli | Relationship Coach
The Positopian
Published in
5 min readMay 13, 2017

How do you get from point A to point B?

Meaning, how consciously are you living? Are you “go-go-go. Move-move- move. Do-do-do type?

The more I do the better I will be, the more I do the more I will be loved/liked/valued/seen/respected, and the more I do the more I will like myself? Or are you the slow and steady; you don’t take any risks or else bad things will happen type?

Yeah, yeah, here’s the kicker, you’re not actually thinking those thoughts…CONSCIOUSLY that is. But that unconscious chatter in your head is and you just think it’s you! But it doesn’t have to be. These thoughts are actually driving your actions and your behaviors. Until you get to know yourself, that is.

Ok, think about this….

how you do anything is how you do everything.

Woo…out there ha? Think about it for a second. Are you always trying to get somewhere, so you can be someone? Put it this way, do you jump out of bed in the morning, look at emails, rush to work while inhaling your food on the way? If so, your unconscious brain is most likely saying “rush get there, must be that, must go there now!!!!”

Another aspect would be the complete opposite. You’re too slow moving. You’re over cautious and you over think. You over analyze everything that you actually can’t even get going on the things you want to do in life. You’re still where you were, in that “just ok” job with that “decent” partner, living in that “just ok” place.

Now this is for both of the characteristic traits I’ve mentioned (the constantly moving one and the over thinker/non action taker).

THERE IS NO PERFECT Time to start the diet, to start the relationship, or to start the company of your dreams. If you don’t just start somewhere, you will never start at all! In other words, are you getting in your own damn way of living your dream life?!

Guess what, nothing is perfect in life, no matter how much you try.

A recommendation of mine would be to have less control over the situation and to “give it up.” Give it up to your version of “god” (I like to use the term Universe), but whatever works for you.

STOP trying to control the situation and just breath into it, trust your path, trust that you are being watched over by some higher being that is guiding you in this things called “life.”

All you have to do is be willing, ready, and capable of listening, seeing, and feeling what you’re being called to do, in any moment.

For my OVER THINKERS out there, DO LESS. Try it on (yes try it on like clothes). Try on being a bit more flexible, a bit more go with the flow type and see how your circumstances change. Sometimes in doing less you’re actually doing more, you’re nourishing yourself, for yourself, which in turn effects others around you.

When you manage to stay connected to your Energy stream, you always win. And you know what, somebody else doesn’t have to lose for you to win. There is always enough. — Law of Attraction

For my DO DO DO, GO GO GO, BE BE BE, (Type A people)…SLOW DOWN, will ya?. Take 3 big breaths before you DO anything. Try the “slow down” shirt and pants on, fuck it, throw the “slow down and enjoy where you currently are,” sunglasses on and see what life looks like now? Oh ya, kinda nice ha!?

For me, I’m a “DO DO DO” person by nature. I’m practicing to “slow down” for a few weeks. What this looks like for me is:

  1. Practicing conscious eating: Not eating at my desk at work and inhaling my food in a rush. Instead can choose to eat slowly and with intention, letting my body actually digest. — — Being a more mindful eater, as small a thing as it sounds, can help me be mindful on not rushing. If I go to bed earlier, waking up earlier, eat earlier, have enough time in the morning to do my morning ritual (see below), I’ll then feel nourished and ready for the day…and not rushed to pack it all in at once!!
  2. Ritualizing my morning/night: Create enthusiasm and discipline with daily wellness rituals. Meditation, movement, self-care, nourishment, sleep (quality and schedule). Something for me could look like — wake + journal for 15 min. Slow and easy yoga flow/stretches. Read 1 tarot/angel card. Warn glass of lemon water and bam! Day, don’t fuck wit me.
  3. Breath deep when feeling stress and overwhelm: There’s a plethora of options here. My new wellness coach Britta, of Green Violet just introduced me to Dr. Andrew Weil’s, The Stimulating Breath, The 4–7–8 Breathing Exercise.

Pro Tip: when you’re creating daily rituals, life gets easier. In so far as you start to become more aware of your body, your breath, your space around you, and your thoughts.

Here is the goal, the ultimate holy grail….

Are you ready to learn this?

WHEN you have daily ritual, it helps to calm your mind so when life gets hard (which it will), you’ll be able and willing to notice what is happening inside of you, so you can catch it early before you go into a spiral and your mind takes over — worry, fear, anxiety, scarcity etc… can ensue.

My friends, if you can catch it early on, dig into your wellness toolbox and pull something out to help calm you. For me, I always without a doubt pull out of my toolbox “remember to breath” tool. I love that tool! Always helps.

Love and light,

Isabel aka The Real Shosh

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