Anthony Portillo
The Positopian
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2017


If I died tomorrow…

My friend Virginia Delgado wrote this poem and I couldn’t resist sharing it with all of you! Enjoy!

If I died tomorrow, my soul would be at peace. Simple to grieve my messy masterpiece, fill the seats, thank the priest, maybe balloon release to celebrate the life of me.

My past is full of huge mistakes, decisions that make my heart ache. The lies I could barely keep straight. I shook the world Like an earthquake, never tried to pump the brakes, only slowing down for coffee breaks. I used to lay awake, thinking of the disaster I’d make, like a tornado strawberry shortcake, I’m sure you can relate.

My present has a different theme, smelling roses, chasing dreams, smiling content on the in between. There’s a desire in my bloodstream to keep my side of the road clean. Or doesn’t matter what you’ve heard or even seen, I’m laughing across a balance beam, water sliding down a moonbeam, licking my sun kissed Ice cream. I know the differences sound so extreme but it doesn’t matter what you believe.. There’s a peace I’ve earned and achieved, no one is stopping me.

I’m stronger now than I’ve ever been, my love for others is genuine, I take negativity on the chin because in the end I always win. Nothing manufactured, a serenity from deep within.. You’ll never finish if you don’t begin. Don’t be jealous of my grin or the glow coming from my skin, this is who I’ve always been.. I was just letting my demons play kingpin for far too long as I blended in.

You can sit & sulk, whine & cry, play the victim or wonder why.. But don’t cry some sappy goodbye, just let me fly because trust me when I say, if tomorrow I die, there will be no regret left behind. My babygurl always shines, I have my perfect guy, my family by my side & friends that will always ride. I don’t let moments pass me by, or fake the twinkle in my eye. I can’t be crucified as I’m now a butterfly who left her cacoon behind so please don’t mis identify.. It would be a waste of your precious time.

My life is a messy masterpiece, smile & be relieved, when I die my soul will surely rest in peace!

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