Keep calm and clear out the toxic people from your life

Vartika Kashyap
The Positopian
Published in
6 min readSep 13, 2017

You lose your excitement after being with them. You feel angry, sad or depressed. They make you feel suppressed, depressed and their action affects you badly. They ignore your needs and problems.

They are the toxic people in your life.

Do you deserve to have them in your life? I bet not.

It is important to protect yourself from such toxic people. My name is Vartika Kashyap, and I am the Marketing manager at ProofHub. I’ve been into this for about 6 years. Throughout the years, I started figuring out the type of people around me. As it is summed up rightly that,

“Want to become happier at work? Stop relying on emails and switch to ProofHub!”

Who you spend time with is who you become. So, choose carefully. Change your life by choosing to surround yourself with people with higher standards.

When I was a kid, my dad told me, “Vartika, you become like your friends, so choose your friends wisely.” I didn’t bother to consider it much but now I actually tell the same to my kid. Also, I remember there was a day in college, The Fest Day. It happened every year and that year I was handling some great responsibilities. During that one month of preparation, I met many new people who were my seniors and we became friends. Unfortunately or fortunately, they were all smarter than me. They talked about books, authors, TV series, and concepts that I was not aware of. And I kept numb. This pushed me to expand my worldview and improve myself with such trending things. And it was all for my betterment.

I was the result of the exposure that I actually started figuring out how the things work, how smart and innovative people affect our lives. Similarly, at times I was affected by bad influences also. It made me realize that life is really too short to spend time with people with low who don’t help you be your best self.

You might be surrounded by toxic people everywhere — hiding at work, in cafes, in schools and colleges and even in your own family. But who are those toxic people? And how to clear out them from your life?

Identify your core circle

How do you identify these toxic people around you who make you feel miserable? Here are the types of toxic people who may harm you:

An emotional sucker

These people tend to suck the positivity out of you and they always have something sad or negative to say about their life or others life. Always, they tend to bring everyone down with their conversations as they never see a positive side of a situation.

The Naysayers

Are you surrounded by naysayers in your life? Naysayers are those people who try to sabotage you whenever you are trying to grow a new habit. These people will always try to erase your hopes and dreams.

“Me” time destroyers

No matter you are an introvert or extrovert, everybody needs their alone time. The mind needs some time for itself and you need to get away from people who try to disrupt your me time. These people will purposely try to disturb your alone time.

A narcissist

A narcissist around you will never let you talk in your ways. This person will always keep interrupting you, not letting get a word in the conversation. They will lower your self-confidence as they want to just hear themselves talk.

The judgemental

At times or at all times, you may feel like being judged. People who are judgemental will always question your choices, comment about your career choice, your passions and hobbies, your living style and almost everything. Their words will always sound harsh.

So, these are the kind of toxic people that may surround you and the healthiest choice for you is to stay away from these people. Keep these kinds of people away from your life.

How to clear them out of your life?

Remember the saying rotten apple destroys the whole barrel? You would have probably seen instances that apply to people and so does this. While you surround yourself with toxic (rotten) people, they will surely tend to destroy the whole of you. So, here are a few way you can clear these people out of your life.

Do not let them cross you on social media

Now when you know the toxic people in your life, keep them away from you on social media. Social media is a way of keeping everyone in contact but you can surely keep the negative people out. Block them from your social media and keep a distance from them. They won’t be able to catch you on social media and one line of communication will be cut.

You do not owe them a huge explanation

Often it is required to focus on healthy relationships and now is the time to remove the toxic people out. They might be sabotaging your growth and you need to seriously work on it. And surely you do not owe them an explanation for leaving them. Just calmly tell them that you don’t want them in your life anymore.

Focus On The Solution

They are just like your enemies and will give you many reasons to be sad about. But you need to focus to remove such a person from your social circle. As long as they are around you, you will feel miserable and frustrated. Try to remove the person’s negative behavior and clear up the psychological mess in your life.

Your life is shaped by who you choose to be with

Every moment in your life requires a choice and by choosing who you spend time with will shape your future. Keep a check of people you spend the most time with. Look for if these people are promoting your growth and be the best person you can be.

I hope this article will immune you against toxic people!

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Vartika Kashyap runs the marketing team at ProofHub — a project management software for teams of all sizes. She is a seasoned marketing professional who is an expert in digital marketing and entrepreneurship. She’s been featured among LinkedIn’s Top Voices for the year 2016. Connect with Vartika on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter.

Also follow our company page @ProofHub to get the recent updates about our tool, published articles, motivational quotes & presentations.

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Vartika Kashyap
The Positopian

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and