Not everyone wants the same thing — we can all have what we want

Paula Day
The Positopian
Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2017

Just ponder for a moment this concept that not everyone wants the something and we can all have what we want, well what we choose to focus on and work for.

You may notice at work that you think that everyone wants to move up the corporate later and you may feel like your competing against everyone. Or when you see people go for jobs just because it is a level up in status or pay grade with no real consideration to the actual role they will need to perform or maybe this is you right now. What if you were competing against no one? We are all truly unique and yes there may be some people going for jobs against us but we are all ultimately on different paths and we can have what we want we just need to shift focus and go get it.

But first the big question…what do you really want? Have you ever stopped to think about the path you’re on and if this is where you want to go? Or were you just following a career path because that’s what you saw others do?

Working out what you really want to have in your life can be amazingly freeing, you no longer are in a job for no real purpose, you are in a job because it meets your overall purpose or focus at that point in your life or is taking you further towards what you truly want in life. Here are 4 steps to start towards this today.

  1. Take some time out to focus on yourself and work out what you truly want out of life.
  • This is not easy for many of us, it is easy to spend all your time helping others and getting caught up in life that you can never find time for you. This step can feel very selfish and therefore very difficult to actually find the time.
  • By working on what you want in your life then you have a focus. This could be confronting as you may realize you were on the wrong path. This step can also be quite liberating as you no longer are in a job for the money you’re in that job because it is fulfilling part of your purpose.

2. Work on your self

  • Once you have your focus and you know what you want then your need to work on yourself, after all you are your number one asset. That’s right you, not your job, not your material positions, you after all, all of these other things can come and go.
  • Focus on improving yourself
  • For example if you want to have a group of positive friends who love running, you will need to be working towards being a runner too
  • If you want to attract kind and loving people in your life then you need to be a mirror of this
  • If you want to be the best leader then you need to work out the qualities you need to work on for you to be the best leader
  • It all comes back to knowing where you want to go and where you are now and working on yourself and being a mirror of what you want in your life.

3. Get clear on your goals

  • Write them down, by writing these down you can work with the words until it sounds compelling for you.
  • Set clear deadlines — in your work life you are most likely working to deadlines, so why not put some clear deadlines to the most important goals for you. This gives you clarity on when you need to achieve this by.
  • Work out what steps you need to take to make these a reality.

4. Change your rituals to allow yourself the ability to focus on your self-improvements and achieve your goals.

  • If your goal is to become fit and health, yet you have a ritual where you eat unhealthy food and don’t exercise then it is going to be near impossible to achieve.
  • Recognize when you are making excuses and problem solve them rather than validate them
  • What I mean by this is, one of your goals may require more time of you, yet you work full time and have kids. This might mean as soon as you get up in the morning to when you go to bed you really are running the family as well as a job. You could easily fall into the excuse of ‘ I have no time’ or the ‘family is more important’ or it could be that work is too busy and your tied.
  • It is so important to remember at this point that you are your most important asset, to yourself and to your family. By working on your goals and bettering yourself you are also helping them.
  • It is also important to realize that you have the ability to problem solve this issue of lack of time. For example if your family gets up at 7am then you can get up at 5am. Or by finding time in your day, your lunch break may be sufficient. The important thing to remember is that we all have the same amount of time it is just how we choose to use it.
  • Review each of your goals and work out what you are going to change to be able to achieve these.

By working on yourself, knowing what you want and shifting your focus you will be well on your way to having what you truly want.

Clear Happy Mind

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