Perspective Is Everything

Be The Change In The World

Tiffany Navarro
The Positopian
4 min readOct 14, 2017


Warning: here comes a sappy, introspective post.

Finding The Positive

As I left the doctor’s office today, sick, irritable, and tired, I made a conscious decision to still be positive and try to find the good in everything and everyone. Sometimes that is difficult for me; I can be pretty cynical. But in just the few hours I have spent doing that, I already had a few unforgettable experiences.

As I was nearing my home, I decided to stop by 7–11 and get some slurpees for my little sickies (we all have a stomach virus and strep throat). On the drive, I saw an old, homeless gentleman who was struggling to push his cartful of belongings. I had a very strong impression that I needed to help him.

My heart ached for him, and I knew I had to do something, even if it was small.

So, while at 7–11 I bought him some food. While checking out, the man behind the counter ran across the room to grab me a drink carrier and commented in broken English about my La Jolla half marathon shirt. He expressed admiration, and I told him not to be impressed, that was years ago when I was younger and in shape. He said I was still young and if I wasn’t a customer he’d ask for my phone number. Normally, comments like that really piss me off; I’d immediately assume (and, sometimes rightly so) that the person is being creepy or hitting on me. But, I honestly don’t think that was the case today; he was just being complimentary, and there was also a small language barrier. Who knows; maybe he could tell I was sick and felt awful, so he was trying to be kind. Maybe he was really trying hard to do a good job at work. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. I decided to assume positive intent, and, instead of leaving the store feeling angry or annoyed, I left smiling.

Then, I drove to try and find the homeless man I had seen. I couldn’t find him and instantly began to feel foolish, ashamed, and embarrassed that I had assumed I could help him. I said a quick prayer that if this man really needed help, to please guide me to him. As I flipped a U-turn, I saw him in the distance. His cart was stuck, so he wasn’t getting very far very fast, so I was able to park and catch up to him. I asked him if he was hungry, and before I even finished my sentence, he started nodding and reaching for the food. I handed it to him, and he said, “Thank you for helping me be able to eat.” I will never forget those words and the way I felt. He was so grateful, so kind, and it was such a humbling experience.

  • I am so grateful I have a home with a warm comfortable bed to sleep on every night.
  • I am grateful for a job I love and a hard-working husband who helps support us so I can also stay home with the kids on days I don’t work.
  • I am so grateful we can feed and clothe our kids nightly, without worries.
  • I am grateful for medical insurance so I can go to the doctor when I’m sick.
  • I’m grateful I went in since it turns out we had a stomach virus and strep throat!
  • I am grateful for modern medicine and antibiotics that can help us heal quickly.
  • I am so grateful I only have strep, which is so easily taken care of with antibiotics.
  • I am soooooo grateful it was only a few days of vomiting and dehydration, and I am not suffering through 9 months of it like I did when pregnant (this week has definitely reminded me that I can NEVER EVER be pregnant again. My husband is probably grateful I got sick and remembered why we had already decided this)
  • Plus, I lost 12 lbs in less than a week, so I guess there ARE perks to being sick (don’t worry, I’m joking. I’m sure it’s all water weight from being dehydrated and not keeping things down).
  • Most of all, I am really grateful I pledged to make that little attitude change. Life is all about perspective.

Our world is in need of a little more love, a little more patience, empathy, kindness, and selflessness.

It starts with us! Be the change you want to see in the world.

Oh, and if you read this entire post, you are amazing. Sorry for the long rant. Have a great weekend everyone. Spread some love and kindness; it’ll go a long way!



Tiffany Navarro
The Positopian

Mother of three, passionate elementary teacher (education is key!), devoted wife, passionate about life!