Yesterday’s Dreams

Linda Luke
The Positopian
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2021

This morning, my journaling started with a little grumpiness about a few minor things going on in my life before shifting into gratitude and appreciation. As I wrote from my heart about what I was grateful for I had a realization.

The life I am living now was in many ways one I would have called a dream in my earlier years. I decided to play with this idea and write a vision for the years to come from the perspective of my 40ish self. It included things like:

  • Being a coach
  • Working from home
  • Making my income by serving others
  • Flexibility in my schedule
  • Being close to my son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren
  • Fur babies
  • A house that feels like a home
  • Flowers in the yard
  • Autonomy
  • Feeling more connected to and supporting my community
  • A simple lifestyle
  • Etc.

Suddenly, the little things I was grumpy about seemed like nothing at all. I am living the life I dreamed of. There have been some surprises along the way. I didn’t imagine moving out of California and living in a small town where there are real seasons or owning a 3 bedroom and den home with a large yard.

This awareness has brought me into a deep state of appreciation for what I do have and clarity about the power of my dreams and my ability to manifest them. From the perspective of my 40 something self, I am rich in what really matters.

It’s easy to lose touch with how many of our dreams have come true. We are always looking for MORE instead of stepping back and looking at the big picture of our entire lives. When we take the time to look through our lives with appreciative eyes, we will realize just how blessed we are.

I’m wondering how many of your past dreams have also come true. You may want to go back in time like I did and write a vision of what you wanted in your future from the perspective of your younger self. My guess is you will also find that many of your dreams have already come true.

Journaling Prompt: What can I appreciate in my life today that was once only a dream?

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Linda Luke
The Positopian

Providing inspiration, tools, and coaching support for women who want to lead more peaceful & meaningful lives.