1 Super Tough Lesson I Learned In 2021 That Made Me A Better Person

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readDec 17, 2021


Photo by Wojciech Then on Unsplash

“I just think I’m depressed,” I told my brother in February.

It sucks having to admit that to someone.

I spent three years building a life in the Philippines. I made a hundred videos for my Youtube channel. I made friends. I had an apartment. I had things. I had a girlfriend.

But in January of this year all that blew up. My relationship ended. I couldn’t go back to the Philippines because of travel restrictions. I’d likely never see any of my friends again.

I was left with nothing.

Imagine spending years building a house and one day an earthquake destroys it. It’s hard not to think about what used to be, and it’s difficult mustering the strength to start again.

But I did.

I came to Mexico in May searching for a new life. Luckily I found it.

I found a great girl I want to be with for the rest of my life. I got an apartment. I’m getting my temporary residence soon. I know a little bit of Spanish.

Everything changed for me, and it started by learning this simple lesson.. 👇

Responsibility Is More Important Than Freedom

