10 Little Things that can Highlight a Bad Company Culture

The quicker you can spot them, the easier you can avoid them.

Jake Wilder
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Goh Rhy Yan/Unsplash

No company openly tells you that they have a toxic culture. They don’t advertise that their employees are unmotivated, their customers are dissatisfied, or their leadership has less trust than Ellen DeGeneres.

And yet you need to know this. In today’s world, culture remains our best sustainable advantage. Others can copy a service or reverse-engineer a product. But few can replicate a high-performing culture.

If you’re evaluating a prospective employer, considering a new supplier, or deciding on a potential merger, you need to understand a company’s culture. Or you’ll end up living with the results.

While few companies actively advertise this information, you don’t need them to. There are plenty of minor things that can tell you a lot about a company. They’re not foolproof. But if you’re lacking information, they’re better than nothing.

So whatever your reasons, keep an eye out for these 10 simple signs. And if you see them at your company, recognize that they could be a warning sign of a much bigger problem.

1. They have assigned parking spaces



Jake Wilder
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

I don’t know where I’m going. But at least I know how to get there.