14 Little Things Holding You Back From Success in Your 20s

5. An unused guest bedroom in your apartment

Cal Axe
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Patrick Hendry/Unsplash

I read Cheryl Strayed’s Wild recently. A memoir about a 26-year-old heartbroken, divorced, recovering heroin user who sought spiritual enlightenment on the Pacific Crest Trail. Like most twentysomethings braving the outdoors for the first time, she was overconfident and didn’t study how to properly pack for a 1,100-mile trek. She dubbed her backpack “monster” because it weighed as much as a small bear and required a sumo squat to get upright.

An annoyed veteran hiker eventually dumped everything on a picnic table and separated the wants from the needs. There were plenty of wants: a foldable saw, mini binoculars, and a pack of ultra-thin Trojan condoms.

What a perfect analogy for twenty-year-olds! I mean, what little things do we hold on to that appear important at first but inconsequential to our long-term goals?

I pondered the things that have either held me back or have held others back. The end result was a long grocery list of 25 plus things, but for sake of brevity, I nailed it down to 14 little things that twentysomethings can live without.

1. More than one credit card



Cal Axe
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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