15 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Invest in the Stock Market

Investing in the stock market is all about learning, having fun, and making money over the long term.

Todd Lincoln, MBA
Investor’s Handbook


Credit to Pixabay

At some point, you’ll have enough money saved up where you’ll think, “Wow, I should probably invest this somehow.”

Whether you’re new to the stock market, thinking of getting back in, or just want a refresher on why to invest in stocks — this article is for you.

Below I cover 15 major reasons why you should invest in stocks. And at the end I add my two cents on why stock market investing can be so powerful.

First, let’s start with the hard fact-based reasons to invest in stocks, and then we’ll transition into some less discussed (but still important) personal and professional reasons to invest.

1) Invest in Stocks to Grow Your Money

This is the simplest reason to invest and is often at the core of why people buy stocks.

When done right, you can grow the money you invest by anywhere from 7% — 10% per year over the long term.

If you invest $10,000 in the stock market today and it gains roughly 7% per year, you’ll turn that $10,000 into $20,000 in just 10 years.



Todd Lincoln, MBA
Investor’s Handbook

Stock-market investor, battle-scarred entrepreneur, and fireside philosopher. Creator of Investor’s Handbook: https://medium.com/the-investors-handbook