3 Big Mistakes Beginner Freelancers Make

Prices, clients and when to say no

Chris Hanna
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Free To Use Sounds/Unsplash

I have been freelance writing for just over a year now, and I have made many mistakes.

There are mistakes to be made in every walk of life, and they are unavoidable sometimes due to our lack of experience. It is through our mistakes that we learn wrong from right, and they allow us to navigate closer to our goal in the process.

Minor setbacks often lead to major steps forward if mistakes are quickly learned from and seldom repeated.

But there are some mistakes that you don’t need to make yourself in order to grow or get closer to where you want to be. Some mistakes can be learned by watching rather than by doing.

When it comes to freelancing, you are trying to move forward and grow as fast as possible, in order to make more money, faster. Thus, mistakes often simply slow your progress down.

Knowledge is power

Yes, learning from them shows you what you should and shouldn’t do, but there are a few ways to minimise just how much these mistakes slow you down.

By becoming aware of the mistakes listed below you will not magically know how to be the best freelancer in the world. Chances are you will still make the mistakes.



Chris Hanna
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Creator and owner of Freelance Ready (freelanceready.com) and ChrisHannaSEO (chrishannaseo.com). Posting guides for beginner writers and freelancers.