3 Reasons Why You Need to Write in Your Car

Especially writer moms like me

Jewel Eliese
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


“woman leaning on green and white Volkswagen Beetle near sea under white sky during daytime” by Amos Bar-Zeev on Unsplash

Have you ever done this?

I walked into the local gas station feeling alright. Pretty even. After a few hot days in a row, it felt good to get out of the house without overheating. And on my own. No sweet little kids tugging my hand.

But, I was there for a purpose.

  1. Caffeine.

That day it was in the form of a chocolate bar that claims to have a cup’s worth of caffeine (hello sweet tooth).

2. A Notebook.

Yeah, I have a love for them. Plus, I’ve learned it’s good to have one around at all times, after all, you never want to lose an idea.

I have plenty of notebooks, each with a purpose, but I was missing one meant just for articles like the one I am writing now. A cheap one to scribble all my thoughts down into, hopefully, coherent articles.

Items in hand, I didn’t go a fancy Instagram worthy office. I certainly didn’t take a picture of my notebook (it’s bright…



Jewel Eliese
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Published on Scary Mommy, & Thought Catalog. 3x Amazon bestselling author. Writer Mom. A bit sassy. Loves words + baby kisses. Reach me at jeweleliese@gmail.com