3 Simple LinkedIn Growth Hacking Techniques To Skyrocket Your Leads

Masooma Memon
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readMay 26, 2019

Setting up a LinkedIn profile and expecting it to attract leads is like putting an empty platter in the oven and expecting it to turn into a mouthwatering chocolate lava cake. Rest assured LinkedIn is the playground of executives and Fortune 500 decision-makers.

However, an empty LinkedIn profile won’t do anything to attract these decision-makers. You need tricks that expand your reach on LinkedIn and turn it into a lead generation tool. 79% of marketers use the network as a great source of leads.

What’s more, HubSpot learned that LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Twitter and Facebook.


Wondering how to convert LinkedIn into a B2B lead generation pool? Here are three ridiculously effective LinkedIn growth techniques that will get your lead generation dice rolling.

Let’s dive in:

LinkedIn growth hack #1: Connect with the right audience

The keyword here is ‘right.’ Connecting with your target leads helps you put your product in front of the people who are actually interested in it. In your Sales Navigator (available through the upgraded LinkedIn version), go the advanced search bar, and click on Search for leads. On the left side, add the keyword, let’s say, ‘marketers’ in this case and filter details to add your exact prospect:

Each invite that you send though should be accompanied with a personal message. Sending a connection request without a personalized message is like shaking hands with a stranger on a train. What are the odds that the stranger will shake your hand and make friends with you? Limited.

Therefore, add a personal note. Here is an example that earned a reply:

To pick your pace though, try a LinkedIn Automation tool such as Lead Connect. The tool helps you streamline the process of sending personalized requests at scale and also helps send scheduled follow-ups. Such a move saves time while preventing you from becoming blacklisted by LI for firing tons of connection requests within seconds.

LinkedIn growth hack #2: Engage with your audience

Engagement on LI is synonymous with commenting on other people’s posts. It’s easy to assume that liking and leaving comments like ‘nice,’ ‘great post’ will help you gain exposure. But you are dead wrong if you’ve made such an assumption.

Instead, the recipe for getting in the good books of LinkedIn is by leaving thoughtful comments on other’s content as shown below.


Comments are a simple yet effective recipe for increasing your visibility on LinkedIn, which boosts the chance of getting more leads as you come in front of other people. The hack works even if you are not ready to create your own content.

John Espirian, copywriter and LinkedIn influencer calls comments as “the gold standard of engagement on LinkedIn.” Here’s more on how to be a better commentator.

LinkedIn growth hack #3: Share valuable content

The last cog in the LI sales prospecting tool machine revolves around sharing relevant content. 94% of B2B marketers use the platform as a content distribution channel. That’s because LinkedIn helps drive over half of the traffic to B2B blogs and sites.


A case in point here is IBM that has developed an engaged LI following, growing from 779,000 followers in 2012 to 5.8 million followers currently. How? By sharing content relevant to its products such as artificial intelligence and cognitive computing, for example:

When creating content for B2B Lead Generation via LinkedIn, think value. Promotional content wouldn’t attract any interested eyeballs. Take a page from Disney that has 2,255,293 followers.

Disney shares content that suits LinkedIn users instead of sharing posts that work on Instagram and Facebook. This Growth Hack LinkedIn is ridiculously simple. The entertainment giant creates employee-centered content, giving a glimpse into their lives and sharing quotes and tips by them. Plus, they give details of their business or product performance.

Here’s an example:

And, while you are at it, don’t just share your content. Add some flavor by sharing other people’s content too. Additionally, mix up the content format from short, crisp posts to long-form and video content.

Final thoughts

To recap, you need to connect with the right people at a steady pace without appearing spammy. Get in front of your audience by commenting on other people’s posts. At the same time, share click-worthy, valuable content that gets people’s attention and generates leads.

What’s your favorite LinkedIn hack that gets you leads?



Masooma Memon
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Freelance Writer. I talk about writing, productivity, freelancing, remote work, and more.