3 Situations When It’s Essential To Be Selfish

Nothing happens until you make it happen.

Sergey Faldin 🇺🇦
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
7 min readOct 14, 2020


Photo: Wesley Tingey/Unsplash

Most of us are taught to assume that being selfish equals being a bad person. From the moment we’re born, we were told, “Be nice. Share a slice of pizza with your neighbor. Don’t be too self-centered. Think about others, not just yourself.”

It’s really easy to go to another extreme: become too unselfish, too altruistic — to the point that we forget about our dreams, our passions, ourselves.

No matter how distressing it might sound, we often value what others think of us more than we care about achieving our own goals or realizing our grand plans. We readily give away our time, money, and sometimes, our lives just to be called “good people.”

If you’ve found yourself in such a situation, remember that if we don’t love ourselves or take care of ourselves, no one will.

Humans are the only animals who experience the emotion of shame or embarrassment — it’s what helps us fit in and build large, high-functioning societies. It can also be dysfunctional.

We must always remember that sometimes, being selfish is the right thing to do. No matter what society says, sometimes we need to be selfish for both the common and our own good.



Sergey Faldin 🇺🇦
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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