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3 Unconventional Strategies to Fast Track Yourself to Extraordinary Success

Reece Robertson
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readFeb 13, 2018


Achieving extraordinary levels of success is an uncommon feat, to get there you’re going to have to use unconventional strategies.

As Gary Keller, author of ‘The ONE Thing’ writes:

“Anyone who dreams of an uncommon life eventually discovers there is no choice but to seek an uncommon approach to living it.”

Here are my 3 unconventional strategies to fast track yourself to extraordinary success:

1. Take Your Own Path

You could take the tried and true path of the crowd and follow the rules of everyone else.

There you’ll find comfort, safety, security, and billboards pointing your way.

But, that will only lead you to the land of tried and true results.

To fast track yourself to extraordinary success, there is absolutely no point in following that path.

As Darren Hardy has said:

“To get different results, you’re going to have to do things differently.”

How do you do thing’s differently?

Stop waiting to be picked, break free of the status-quo and pick yourself.

Realize your boss isn’t going to give you the promotion, realize you're not going to win the lottery and realize that you have all the tools and all the permission you need take your success into your own hands.

Start doing the work, create your own path, then the opportunities for extraordinary success will be abundant.

“It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most competitive.” -Tim Ferriss

2. Choose One Thing

Most peoples focus is scatted.

They’re trying to juggle more than one task at once.

They have to do lists fill of meaningless tasks which are constantly beckoning for their attention and they never really do the work that matters.

This might get you results, but it wont bring you extraordinary results.

“Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.” — Gary Keller

You have only so much energy and so much time. By spreading yourself thin you’ll end up with; high stress, lost sleep, long hours, mediocre results and missed deadlines.

Its a paradox that by trying to add more, you’ll actually wind up subtracting from your results, not adding to them.

The solution is to go small. Pick one thing, and make it your sole focus until you achieve that one thing.

This works because it leaves you staring only at what you truly want to achieve.

“You must be single-minded. Drive for the one thing on which you have decided.” -General George S. Patton

3. Use Kaizen & Compound Time

“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” -Jim Rohn

Extraordinary success is not going come from a single day of hard work.

Sure, you might make a lot of progress in a day. But the extraordinary results will only come once you constantly do the work and your progress begins to compound.

That’s why you must use ‘Kaizen’ — A Japanese philosophy which focuses on the idea of continuous improvement in working practices and personal efficiency.

Implementing this means, every day, no matter how small, you take the steps to be a better version of yourself today, than you were yesterday.

This might be that you get 1% better each day.

While 1% improvement might not seem like much, if you combine it with focusing on your one thing, that’ll pretty quickly compound.

If say, you chose your one thing to be writing and you write everyday for a week, that’s a 7% improvement to your writing in a week. Do it for a whole year, and that’s a massive 365% improvement.

Suddenly that 1% doesn’t seem so small.

Focus on daily improvement and you’ll always beat the guy who works hard for a week, but quits when he doesn’t see results.

“When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens — and when it happens, it lasts.” — John Wooden

In Conclusion

An uncommon life requires unconventional strategies.

If you want levels of success beyond everyone else, you’re going to have to do things different.

Take your own path, choose your one thing, constantly improve, and you're well on the fast track to extraordinary success.

