3 Ways To Stand Out in a Sea of Freelancers and Get Work

#1: Don’t be boring

Kelsey Kryger
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

I’ve been working as a freelancer since the beginning of 2019. By now, I’ve racked up a substantial amount of experience under my belt — having worked as a freelance virtual assistant, social media manager, and writer to date. Not only that, but I make a full-time living doing so.

It wasn’t always this way. Back when I started dipping my toes into the freelance pool, I was a fresh college graduate with a political science degree that knew nothing outside of the 9–5 work structure. I’d spend hours listening to podcasts and researching how to become a full-time freelancer. The common denominator in the equation? It’s simple, really: finding enough paying clients, jobs, and projects to attain a full-time income.

When my hunt for clients began, I started lurking around Freelancer Facebook Groups with job postings and cold e-mailed potential clients that I’d be interested in working with. Mostly, it was small businesses in my area.

The result of my first networking campaign? 0 replies, 0 jobs, $0 in my piggy bank. It didn’t look promising, to say the least.

Nevertheless, I persisted and here we are a few years later. I have a list of recurring freelance clients as well as continuous one-time projects I receive through…



Kelsey Kryger
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Living a double life as a fitness trainer & freelance writer. Often overcaffeinated. Work w/ me: kryger.kelsey@gmail.com | https://eyeofthekryger.substack.com/