3 Years A Minimalist — My Top 3 Life Changing Lessons

And the one thing I regret

Martina D.
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Fernando Lavin/Unsplash

It’s true what they say — you don’t realize how much stuff you have accumulated until you are moving.

The boom of modern consumerism has turned most of us into enthusiastic hoarders. With cheap brands copying designer items, and new technologies emerging faster than light, everything has become significantly more accessible. And don’t we just love it.

But have we been getting true worth for our money?

When I look back at photos taken in our old apartment, there’s stuff everywhere — piles of it. Overloaded storage boxes shoved under the kitchen table. Shoeboxes neatly stacked on the side of the staircase, going almost all the way down.

Once, I crammed my wardrobe so full of clothes, that the main hanging rail snapped in half.

Yes, the flat was small, but the amount of stuff we owned was irrational. As we prepared to move, it became clear we were living the typical mindless consumer stereotype. And the satisfaction this lifestyle gave us was, in fact, short-lived.

The things we thought would buy us happiness quickly became a burden.

We kept finding long-forgotten items with labels still attached. Mountains of never-worn clothes…



Martina D.
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

I write & publish books for print + audio. Get ready-made research into profitable Amz niches with full evidence breakdown-> https://buildmomentum.substack.com