4.5 Lessons Going to the Wrong College Taught Me

I’m fresh out of college

Mohammad Musharraf
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
5 min readApr 5, 2019



We all might be poles apart in terms of everything, but the one common thing between all of us is that we all commit mistakes. You and I and everyone else, at some point in life, take the path we later realize we shouldn’t have. And it sucks to be in those shoes.

But at the end of the day, our life is what we choose to make it.

I had already wasted two complete years of my life before I realized that I wasn’t meant to be doing what I was into. I never dreamed of becoming a civil engineer. But a writer? Oh, yes! I’ve always wanted to be that.

And no, I didn’t drop out of college after that. I continued. However, I had my priorities straight.

I graduated in March 2019. And I have no regrets that I didn’t quit college even after realizing that I wasn’t interested in the degree that I was pursuing.

Instead, I’m glad I continued. The things I learnt being at college for four years are more important than anything else.

And of all those small and big things, here are the 4.5 most important lessons that I’m here to share with you.

1. It’s Okay


Yes, trust me, it is. I wasn’t overwhelmed by it.

I was in the wrong college, pursuing something I didn’t really like was all because I wasn’t sure what I had to do. It was my fault. And it’s somewhat the same for you too, isn’t it?

Okay, not just you, your school, too.

Schools don’t teach us what we could be in the future and rather focus on a few subjects that hardly find a place in real life that we face after school.

But it’s you who has to fix it. And only you can.

You got in the wrong college, now what? Think about it and think harder than you’ve ever thought. It’ll prove to be the differentiating line between a successful life and an unsuccessful one.

Draw all possibilities of how you can fix it, and don’t waste time blaming every other thing in the universe for you getting into the wrong place. Believe me, no one bats an eye.

Take charge of your life.

2. Utilize Your Time


Do you know what you’re passionate about? Do you think that it can be turned into a full-time career opportunity? Yes? Go, grab it and never ever let it go.

At least, that’s what I did. I realized midway that I’d better be a good writer than a poor engineer. And I’m pursuing writing as my career. What else could be better than that?

But we all are not lucky enough to know what we’re passionate about. In that case, look for things that attract you.

Find your passion.

If nobody has ever told you that, yes, my friend, passion can be found. Not everyone is born with a burning desire to hit the guitar chords and kill it in front of thousands of people or write and sell a million copies. No. That’s not just possible

Actually, most people try things out and become passionate about them.

And once you know your art, make sure you spend the majority of your day building yourself up as a professional in that.

Remember, people land great jobs and do great in life not because of the college they went to, but because of the time they spent doing what they loved. There’s a lot of things to enjoy in college, but there’s also a life you need to work for. Make sure you strike a balance between the two.

3. Pass that damn exam


Don’t anchor yourself with backlogs. Never.

If you or your parents have already poured in so much of time and money into it, just somehow steer clear of it. Don’t keep things for some other time. All it would do is pull you back in life.

Make sure that by the time your college concludes, all your papers are clear. That’ll help you easily focus on the more important things that you want to do in life.

4. Hustle.


Not that show-of-on-Instagram kind of hustle. I mean the real hustle. The work-really-really-hard kind of hustle.

If you don’t want to bite your fingernails in fear after graduating, make sure to do things that would make your life easier after college.

No matter what you’ve decided to do in life, achieve a few things big enough so as to increase your credibility. It’ll serve as proof to those who you want to work with.

Also, earn as much money as you can. That again proves to you and to the rest of the world that you can make a living doing what you’ve decided to do.

Money speaks. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

4.5 Don’t Miss Out on Life’s Fun

While making a successful career is important and soaks a lot of time and effort, don’t forget that you’re only human. Don’t forget that you still can enjoy the small moments of your life while working hard.

What important lessons did you learn during your college life?



Mohammad Musharraf
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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