4 Cognitive Distortions That Could Keep You at an Unhappy Job

If you’re thinking something needs changing in your life, the first place to look is how you think.

Kyle Donahue
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Hunters Race/Unsplash

I believe psychology is a powerful thing.

So powerful, in fact, that I’ve spent some of my reflection-slash-ruminating time on how psychology has influenced my time in the Marines, my career and parenting choices, and my recent go at writing online.

We all know the standard script we’re given as kids: school, more school, job with benefits, happily ever retirement. While I’m certainly not out of that pipeline for the simple facts that I enjoy my work in mental health and my kids need to eat, I find myself scratching my head a little…

A lot, actually. Is a regular job the best I’ve got? If not, what’s keeping me there? Maybe you feel similarly.

It kind of sounds like that standard-script comes from a place of fear and security. Make sure they’ve got benefits or else you won’t have health insurance. It probably came from a loving place as well. I just want you to be safe and be able to make a living.

I believe these are some of the seeds that eventually blossomed into cognitive distortions that keep us where we are.



Kyle Donahue
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Dad & husband, former Marine and a couple degrees in psychology. Writer for a few publications that care about giving people a hand.