4 Mindset Shifts That Helped Me to Double My Income In 2020

1. Those who work all day have no time to earn money

Victoria Kurichenko
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Jill Wellington/Pixabay

At the end of December 2019, I was writing my year-end reflection and planning the upcoming year. I felt a bit sad. It seemed my life passes by, but nothing happens.

Every time I wanted more, I achieved less. I wasn’t in control of my life; I went with the flow like many other people I knew.

I didn’t know how to start changing my life, but I was eager to take action. Without having any concrete idea of what I wanted, I concluded my year-end reflection with a powerful phrase:

The next year will be totally different. I’ll make it, no matter what.

Back then, I couldn’t even imagine to what extent 2020 would be a challenging year for everyone. The global pandemic and the rise of the home office granted me the best gift I could ever ask for — extra free time.

I could finally slow down and use this time for personal and professional growth.

In 2020, I wrote over 100 articles online; I made over $3,000 from a single article, started investing, helped a brand new hospital move its physical business online, tried freelancing, got two lovely clients, and a lot more.



Victoria Kurichenko
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

SEO specialist. Content writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. https://selfmademillennials.com