5 Finance Hacks They Should’ve Taught You In School

Filling in some gaps on behalf of the education system

M.S. Lane
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Ivan Aleksic/Unsplash

Wealth inequality and student debt are on the rise, and there’s a lot of disagreement over who’s at fault. However, there’s one institution we can all agree to blame for at least a portion of this crisis: schools.

Over the last few decades, schools have gradually omitted more and more critical subjects from their curriculums, the most harmful of which is personal finance. In theory, we should all embrace personal responsibility and take our education into our own hands. But as new graduates increasingly find that their starting salaries barely cover rent, it’s time to acknowledge that schools are no longer properly preparing us for the real world.

Thankfully, thanks to the internet, it’s now easier than ever to learn on our own. With that in mind, let’s look at five basic money hacks school should’ve taught you. And if you’ve already graduated, don’t worry —I guarantee you’ll still find something applicable here.

1. To Get Rich, Make Investing A Priority

Building wealth isn’t about how much you make, it’s about how much you invest.

Here’s an example: in 2014, former janitor and gas station attendant Ronald Read



M.S. Lane
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Editor @ Fortune 500 company by day. Used to write about personal finance. Now I just write about what I find interesting at the moment.