5 Signs You Should Cancel a Contract With a Client

Regardless of what they are willing to pay you.

Victoria A. Fraser
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Jeffrey Czum/Pexels

According to ZipRecruiter, the average freelancer writer makes $30 per hour. But unfortunately, as with averages, you’ll see that a vast majority of freelance writers report that they work for far less than that.

For myself, I charge anywhere from $20 to $45 dollars per hour depending on the client’s budget and scope of the project. I also work with a flat-free more often now especially as I’ve become more experienced. Still, in general, I’d say it tends to fall in that range.

Source: Ziprecruiter

It’s taken 9 months for me to get here, and I’ve learned a lot in that time about who I want to work with and who I don’t. As such, I’m sharing that advice with you to learn from if you’re starting as a freelancer.

Here are 5 reasons to cancel a contract with a client — regardless of what they’re paying you.

1. Treating you with disrespect

Despite what many of us have been taught — the customer is not always right.



Victoria A. Fraser
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Freelance copywriter, humourist, podcaster, and nerd. Follow along for writing tips, marketing blather, and my opinions! victoriafraser.ca