5 Steps I Followed To Turn My Side Hustle (Writing) Into A Full-Time Career

Nicolas Cole
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readJul 6, 2020


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How does someone go from working a data entry job in a cubicle to traveling the world working from their laptop?

Or how does a software salesman become a tech entrepreneur? How does anyone turn their side hustle into their main hustle?

There is a method to the madness — a process for turning that thing you do on the side into your full-time gig.

1. Learn how to make time, even if you don’t have time.

The first thing you need to know about turning those side projects into main gigs is how to find time even when there doesn’t seem to be any.

Trust me, you have time — you just need to de-prioritize things you might not want to.

The people who actually turn their side hustles into main gigs are the ones who work after work, who stay up late, who grind on the weekends, and who say “No” to things that are fleeting rewards but long-term distractions.

Finding time isn’t about cramming more into your busy schedule. It’s about subtracting. Get rid of the things that aren’t moving you closer toward your goal.

That way, the important things can have room to breathe.

2. Only take on



Nicolas Cole
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

100M+ Views | 5x Author | Co-founder of Ship 30 for 30 | Want to start writing online? Get the Ultimate Guide: https://startwritingonline.com