5 Telltale Signs You’re Dating The Wrong Person

#1. They make you feel small.

Luba Sigaud
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Vitae London/Unsplash

Sometimes, it’s hard to figure out if you’re dating the wrong person or if you’re just in a temporary relationship rut.

Partners don’t come with a preview of what they’re really like — it’s often when you’re already invested that you uncover problems. But, there are still ways to figure out if they’re a good fit long-term or not.

Based on previous relationships, here are a few things that should be deal-breakers (that have nothing to do with appearance, finances, or how many kids they want).

1. They make you feel small

If your partner regularly goes out of their way to hurt your self-esteem, they’re not worth your time.

I still remember a guy I dated years ago who used to say things like, “You don’t have that much acne!”

As an already-awkward teen, the last thing I needed was for someone to bring out my worst insecurities under the guise of compliments.

Life is already challenging as it is. You don’t need or deserve a partner who makes you feel small instead of helping you grow to your full potential.

2. Your anxiety goes up when you’re around them



Luba Sigaud
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

French twenty-something. Unbroken optimist. I love to learn, laugh, and write. Reach me here: Lubasigaud@protonmail.com