Photo: Pang Yuhao/Unsplash

5 Things College Didn’t Teach Me

It doesn’t matter if you have a degree if you don’t know these things

Sam Holstein
5 min readMay 29, 2020


1. Employers won’t hire you just because you have a degree

Colleges tell you that employers care very much whether you are ‘degreed’ or not. But this is not true. At the end of the day, employers don’t care too much about whether or not you have a college degree. What employers do care about is results. Employers prefer college degrees because degrees help employers assess whether you can do the job or not, but it is not the only thing they take into account. In fact, if you can demonstrate that you can do the job despite not having the ‘right’ degree, many employers will still be happy to hire you.

Software engineering is the best example of this. In the world of coding, most employers will be happy to hire you as long as you demonstrate you can code what they want you to code, degree or no degree. Many six-figure-salaried engineers have no formal academic training other than their high school diploma. Graphic design, writing work, and digital marketing are all the same way. If you can design what they need or sell the product they need to sell, you’re in.*

Colleges don’t tell you this because colleges are in the business of selling degrees. If everyone found…

