5 Things I’ve Leveraged To Keep Me Grounded In My Post-Grad Struggles

Or ‘Life Hacks’ For Creative Twenty Somethings

Tchassa Kamga
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
8 min readJan 18, 2018


I’ve had a hard time being a creative in my country. Don’t we all love our creatives after they’ve made a name for themselves?

I’m the first writer in my family. I had to drop out of college 2 and a half times before I found the courage to follow my gut and tell stories.

I’m not there yet. I still need help with a few bills every so often. I’ve learned how to communicate and build valuable relationships along the years. The progress I’ve made in my personal and professional life shows me that I might be onto something.

I looked back to a few things that have been recurrent in my slow, steady growth and I thought you might gain something from post-graduate wins.

A few of these happened organically. Some I read and applied consciously until they became part of my personality. Others, I got help from people who cared about me more than I did about myself.

I believe if you can apply even just one of these, you will improve your dance through post-grad life — and life in general.


Build a support system



Tchassa Kamga
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

I write about faith, family, and finance. Sharing my perspective and learnings along the way. bit.ly/adoseofperspective