5 Things You Should Know Before Buying a House In Your 20s

Start saving for a house before you want to buy

Jessie Vee
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


A home with a red door
Photo: David Veksler/Unsplash

I remember my first phone call with a prospective real estate agent to discuss what I planned on looking for in a house. And I know I sounded like an idiot. Because beyond my budget, I didn’t have a clue what I wanted.

The amount of “I don’t know” responses coming out of my mouth was embarrassing. But this is a common situation for first-time homebuyers in their 20s.

I probably planned more for a future wedding than I did for buying a house. Homeownership to millennials seems like a distant dream when faced with a difficult job market and student loan struggles. Therefore, buying a home when you’re young, single, and broke is put on the backburner for years.

As a fresh college graduate working a low-paying job, I couldn’t fathom buying a house within a few years. I know many others can relate. Between balancing student loans, picking the right career field, or going back to grad school, we face too many other decisions to prioritize.

With some good luck and frugal money habits, I received the opportunity to be a homeowner. Navigating that journey is a whole different story that I’d like to not repeat for as long as possible.



Jessie Vee
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Experienced human resources professional by day and passionate storyteller by night. Avid writer on relationships, work, finance, and more!