5 Ways to Navigate the ‘Great Transition’ of Post-Education to Full-Time Work

Dramatically reduce your feelings of anxiety and sense of imposter syndrome

Michael Lim
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Alex Radelich/Unsplash

The ‘Great Transition’ to full-time work is jarring.

It can feel like you are stepping out from a cool room with a controlled environment into a harsh Australian summer with no sunscreen.

You feel naked and unprepared. And possibly sunburnt.

For the first time in your life, you have no real structure or clear goals. You have no roadmap to help you or a curriculum telling you what your workload will be like.

The once safe environment provided by the classroom is gone. You are no longer surrounded by a classroom of people roughly the same age as you or a teacher who wants you to succeed.

You now have colleagues you are competing with and a boss who has KPIs to meet. You have more responsibilities and no one who can help you solve your problems.

I know what you’re feeling now: scared, anxious, tired and a growing sense of imposter syndrome. If you haven’t experienced any of these things yet, don't worry. They are coming.

The uncertainty is crippling so you nostalgically long for the days of structure that university…



Michael Lim
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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