6 Powerful Habits Of Successful Freelancers That Can Increase Your Income Immediately

#6 stumps almost everyone. The best at it make more money every time.

Marvin Marcano
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Jonas Leupe/Unsplash

Freelancing can sometimes feel like feast or famine. One month you’re rolling in the dough. The next your work has dried up, and you’re not sure how you’re going to make your rent.

Then you see stories of freelancers who make six figures yearly. Freelancers who have achieved financial freedom and have transformed what was once a side hustle into a full-fledged business.

I’m not there quite yet (I will be soon, projecting my future self). However, I’ve realized a few things in the two-plus years I’ve been freelance writing.

When I’ve worked on these things, my income has increased almost immediately.

While there’s more work to do — #6 being my Achilles Heel — I know that it’s possible.

If you’ve been banging those keys, coding in Sublime Text, or fleshing out that copy and you’re not seeing those financial gains just yet, it’s time to take a step back.

Look at your habits.

Can you find a way to incorporate these into your freelance M.O.?

1. Successful freelancers have a…



Marvin Marcano
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Personal Development, Fereelancing, and Writing. Becoming a better person. You should too.