6 Ways To Stay Mentally Strong After Failure

Make self-sabotage a thing of the past

Melody Wilding, LMSW
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by John Gibbons

Anyone that has worked hard to change themselves knows that there’s a big difference between setting goals and achieving them. Situations arise that derail your progress. You get busy and overwhelmed. Life happens.

Sometimes one small setback may spiral into self-sabotage: Sneaking one cookie leads to eating the entire plate. Taking a week off of the gym becomes six months without exercise. Before you know it, you’re sidetracked from the goals and good habits you aimed for. Truth be told, we all fall victim to this “what the hell effect” every once and awhile.

In order to truly create positive change that sticks, you have to harness your determination, even in the face of the occasional setbacks. You don’t need superhuman willpower to stay the course. The most successful people learn to use getting sidetracked as an opportunity to reset and refine their approach.

Whether you slipped up, got overwhelmed, or simply lost steam en route to habit change, here are six ways to maintain perspective and move forward:

1. Remember why you started.

When you feel your momentum dwindling, orient back to your purpose. Why did you want to make a change in the first place…



Melody Wilding, LMSW
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Author of TRUST YOURSELF. Executive coach to Sensitive Strivers. Human behavior professor. Featured in NYT, NBC, CNN. https://melodywilding.com/book