7 Things You Can Give Up to Start Living Life on Your Own Terms

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Ayodeji Awosika
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

When someone asked Michaelangelo how he sculpted the statue of David, he said “I removed everything that wasn’t David.”

The process of living your life on your terms often happens when you learn to let go and give certain things up so you can be free to do what you really what.

Think of how many different things you’ve held onto in your life just because you’ve already been holding them for a while. We’re afraid to let go because we’re addicted to the illusion of control.

In reality, we don’t control all that much and we’d have more control over our lives by letting go of our deep-seated need to control it. Often, this need for control and certainty comes from an underlying fear. The process of letting go is often the process of letting go of the things we use to mask our fears, run from them, or pretend they don’t exist.

Take a look at these examples and see if you can get ahead by letting go of them.

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