A 2-Step Plan to Get Your Life on the Right Track

How to define what you want from life now and in the future

Elizabeth Dawber
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Nick Fewings/Unsplash

There are 7.8 billion people on this planet, and we’re not all going to agree on what life should look like. I’m not going to tell you that there’s only one way to live your life because the perfect life for one person could be a living nightmare for the next.

One thing I’m 100% certain of, though, is that if we reduced what we want in life down to just one single emotion, then that emotion would be happiness.

Happiness is at the core of everything we strive for. What we’re asking ourselves when we pose the question ‘Is my life on the right track?’ is actually will I be happy in the future?

We’ve got into the mindset of believing that happiness needs to be postponed. We say things like ‘If I can just make $100,000 then I’ll be happy’. Or ‘If I can just get my dream job then I’ll be happy.’ More recently, many of us are saying, ‘If this pandemic would just end then I’d be happy.’

Happiness is not something that should be on hold for a future date because there is a chance that that future date will never come, and you’ll then have lived an unhappy life, and who wants to take that risk?



Elizabeth Dawber
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

English literature & creative writing grad | MWC semi-finalist | Former editor @ The Startup | I write about this thing called life | Human | Pen for hire |🇬🇧