From Graduate to Freelancer

A Go-To Guide for Connecting With Influential People

How to make an impact and be memorable on Linkedin (and beyond).

Jon Hawkins
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
7 min readFeb 17, 2021


Photo: Surface/Unsplash

“Hola Jonathon,

My name is _______ and I help Digital Marketers to strengthen their Personal Brand to get more High-Ticket Clients using Organic & Paid Methods.

What about you? Would you also like to get more High-Ticket Clients?

If yes, let’s chat.”

This is just one of many generic, mass-sent messages I received in my Linkedin inbox this week. It was immediately deleted. If the sender can’t be bothered to spend 2 minutes writing a unique message, why should I give it the time of day?

Whether you’re a marketer, an entrepreneur, freelancer, or something else. Connections are key. As the old saying goes, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. The wider your social circle, the more doors of opportunity that swing open. You never know who will be your next big paying client or can give you leg up into your dream job.

You could be the most skilled in your field. But with no connections, opportunities, or references, you’re going to struggle to get the recognition you deserve. This is especially true for people like me, who have…



Jon Hawkins
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Asking questions, seeking answers. I write articles which help you better understand the universe and your place in it.