A Latina Traveling Through Latin America

(Who was born and raised in the USA)

Lisa Martens
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Americans think I’m Costa Rican. Costa Ricans think I’m Indian. Indians think I’m Punjab.

Everyone is surprised that I can speak English. It’s a miracle to everyone that I can talk.

When Americans walk up to me talking in broken Spanish, I just let them for a few minutes.

When someone asks me how I learned English, my standard answer is “Biggie and Tupac.”

People keep asking me if I feel more “at home” here, as though all non-white Americans feel a soul-aching yearning to return to some mother country.

The USA is my mother country. I want Taco Bell. I want chemicals just like every true American. I want Starbucks. I’m a basic bitch.

And proud.

Should I be proud of that? Probably not, but I also can’t claim this country just because my grandmother and great-grandmother were born here.

I wasn’t the one living in a mine town in the mountains. I wasn’t the one who had their first lick of ice cream as a teenager. I didn’t have to take a train for days to see the ocean.

I grew up with high-speed Internet, school shootings, and obesity and opioid epidemics.



Lisa Martens
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: https://linktr.ee/lisathewriter