A Letter to Black PWI Graduates Transitioning Into Corporate America

Buckle up; the next 12 months will be a roller coaster

Nathan Hastings-Spaine
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Dear graduating college class of 2021, congratulations! Despite all that’s occurred over the past year and a half, you graduated. And now you’re transitioning into the next chapter of your life, which for many of you, means entering the workforce.

Well, buckle up; the next 12 months will be a roller coaster. Whether it’s moving to a new city, moving back home with your parents, dealing with post-college depression, landing your first job, or adjusting to working a 9-to-5, you will endure some challenges.

Today, I want to address a specific group of you, my black college graduates from PWIs, to prevent you from making a mistake that 90% of us make in our transition to Corporate America. Before we get started, I’ll briefly share my background. But for those who don’t feel the need to validate my credibility on this topic, feel free to skip to the next section.


I had an exceptional college experience at The George Washington University School of Business, where I graduated with a degree in Finance. Let me share some of what I did during my 4 years.

