Advice To Make Your Next Interview More Successful Than The Last

Focus your prep, get ahead of the rest and learn your skillset

Mike Martin
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Steve Halama/Unsplash

We’ve all been there. We’ve all sent in job applications and been rejected countless times.

But every once in awhile, you get an invitation to interview.

You spend the next few days prepping for it as best as you can. Before you know it, you’re sat down in front of the interview panel.

The questions come thick and fast, but you settle quickly. Before long, you start to enjoy the experience. The panel is nodding as you speak, smiling as you weave the company’s mission statement and ideals into your answers. You’ve nailed it! Now all you have to do is wait for the call to confirm you were successful.

The call comes. You weren’t successful. *Sigh*

Does this story sound familiar?

At the beginning of my career, I lived this experience many times. I would dwell on the rejections for days at a time. I wasn’t able to figure out why I didn’t get the job — it seemed to go so well at the interview. But with time, I started to piece together where I was going wrong.

There are a few small but mighty tweaks I want to share with you that I know will help your chances of…



Mike Martin
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Mental Health | Running | Self-Care | Running with mental health, not away from it 🏃🏻 you can find me here: