An Essential Guide to Networking For Writers

Get in on the real juice, before its too late

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Gabby K/Pexels

Writing is a lonely job. If you are writing as a side-hustle or full-time, the only interaction you have is with your laptop. What makes networking with fellow writers easier is also that it only requires a few clicks.

The word networking can make many of you slightly uncomfortable, and that’s what I felt too because I’m always the person in the corner during a party. It’s awkward to talk to new people. And in the writing community, there are so many of us that the feeling of not feeling good enough is common.

I once messaged an editor on LinkedIn complementing something, but I thought I’d look like somebody who just wants to suck up to get their piece published. Get rid of these negative thoughts.

Networking doesn’t always need to be uncomfortable. It also doesn’t need to be very active; it’s okay to step out of your cocoon one step at a time. I realized the importance of networking when it opened the door to opportunities and growth that I otherwise couldn’t tap into.

Here is why you should network with fellow writers.

The feeling of a tribe is incredibly warm

