Are You Not Able To Connect The Dots Of Life? Is It Even Necessary?

Don’t feel directionless yet.

Mohammad Musharraf
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readJan 18, 2019



There’s so much that goes around about connecting the dots of life. However, we often find ourselves in a place where even finding those dots is impossible, leave behind connecting them.

That’s not just with you or with me, it is the same with almost every human on this planet.

Life is complicated and so is the task of connecting the dots of life.

You just can’t sit for an hour and figure out everything about life. It takes a lot of time, perseverance and, of course, hard work.

Most people are directionless (and that’s not bad).

Unaware of what they are doing and what they want to do even though they know it well that they want to succeed.

Many people who are millionaires and billionaires became so after most of their youth was already gone by. While they were young, they were as clueless as most of us feel time and time again.

I remember from my childhood that our daily newspaper had a section for children where there used to be an incomplete cartoon figure with several dots around it. I guess you got it.

To complete that figure was a mammoth task for me as a child. So, I figured out a simple and easy formula to go about it. I spotted a point in the figure (mostly at the bottom end of it) which had the least number of dots. It was always easy to know where and how those dots are to be connected in order to complete the whole figure.

Now, coming back to the dots of life, the portion with the least number of dots in that figure I talked about denotes the juncture in life where you reach a milestone.

When you reach an important milestone, it is always an easier task to look back and connect the dots you’ve left behind.

Suddenly, when you’ll look back from there, you’d be surprised at how everything you’ve been doing — though you didn’t quite realize at that time — had a noteworthy impact on what you’ve achieved.

For example, I’ve always been interested in writing, but I never knew that I’d come this far with my passion.

I never thought I’d be making money out of it. And you know, where it all started?

It started with a small and at-the-time not-so-meaningful conversation between me and my elder brother where he suggested me to start writing on Quora.

Well, I did start writing there. That place brought me quite an appreciable amount of exposure to the world of writers.

I myself bagged almost 6 million views on that platform. It was then I realized that I could take this even further.

Today, looking back at that conversation, I find that it was one of the most important discussions I ever had. Had it not taken place, the series of incidents that took place in my life would have been completely different.

Maybe, I wouldn’t be writing this article either. But because it did, I can connect it to what I am today.

You see, how even such small incidents can be co-related to what you become in the future, or what you are today.

Here’s what you need to realize

You needn’t always try to figure out how every incident in your life is connected to the other one and how it would add value to your future.

Instead, you need to keep putting in the best of your efforts to do good in life. To make your life worth it. To have a more successful career.

Just like my conversation with my elder brother stands as one of the main reasons for me to pursue content writing, there might have been such minor incidents in your life that may turn out to be highly fruitful in the future.

You need not go on and hunt those incidents and see what they indicated.

You just need to keep doing your best. And once you are where you’ve dreamed to be, you’ll be able to figure out what that incident was that made you you.

Successful people have interesting success stories because of the same reason.

Once they become successful, they just go on and connect all possible incidents of their life, the bad ones and the good ones. And that is what creates a superhit story for them.

So, for the time being, stop stressing over how directionless your life seems and just keep working on whatever comes your way.

It’s not always necessary that you have to be passionate about something and then excel at it throughout your life.

You can just choose to switch between things on the way. It’s always fine to lose interest in things mid-way. Most of us do. You can always choose new things and then make a better, more fulfilling career out of it.

Stop trying to connect the dots and start trying to live through whatever is on your way. When you reach your milestone, you’ll find that your dots were already connected to one another.



Mohammad Musharraf
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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