Are You Really Happy At Work? Here’s 4 Tips To Figure That Out

The answer might surprise you

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

“When set with intention, goals can provide structure, direction, focus, and purpose. When not set with intention, goals can be knee-jerk reactions to something painful in our lives.”

-Ryder Carrol, Inventor of the Bullet Journal Method

In late 2017 I lost a huge freelancing client and 90% of my income dried up overnight.

It was a devastating blow, or a “painful moment” as Ryder Carrol just called it.

One night while wallowing in self-pity I decided to go eat a large cheese pizza by myself. I washed it down with beer, if you must know.

As I attempted to drown my pain with endless carbs, my mind hatched an idea.

“Tom, you know how to grow an audience online. Why not create an online course about that?”

To make a long story short, I did just that. Four weeks after that initial thought, I sold $2,000 worth of online course spots to a bunch of beautiful students I was so grateful to have.

I created my initial course and had a LOT of fun running it, updating it, and keeping it fresh for years afterwards.

