Be proud of your ego

Athmane Tadjine
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readMar 1, 2018

While your ego can ruin your success, if you master it, it will lead you to greatness.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

When it comes to physics, all objects are treated equally. Whether you are a stone, a tree or a human being, physics doesn’t care. All of you fall under the name of a system, and all of you follow the same physical laws.

When it comes to physics, two objects attract each other with a force proportional to their masses. You can be smart, stupid, tall, small, young, old, if you jump, earth attracts you back down.

When it comes to physics, a human cannot distinguish between two objects distant by a micrometer. A human cannot hear a sound beyond a given distance. These limitations are imposed to the human, whether he likes it or not.

Most humans adapt to those facts, some of them are even proud of that ability.

Some others just don’t tolerate it

Photo by louis magnotti on Unsplash

Some humans are so ambitious, they ended up daring physics.

And they won.

To overcome its contraints, they invented planes, telescopes, phones …

If we take a step back, those people didn’t dare the world neither for fame nor for money. In fact, most of them died without any glory.

Then why did they do all of that ?

Actually, all of those innovators had simply issues with adapting to reality. Instead of adapting, they tried to make the whole world around them fit their needs.

Why would the human not fly when some animals can ?

Humans miss wings ? Let’s build some.

After many tests (and probably deaths), the plane was invented.

This very way of thinking is the starting point of innovation.

It doesn’t work ? Well, I will find a way to make it work.

And here lies ego

Photo by Jonathan Klok on Unsplash

Innovating, inventing, finding a new theory to explain some phenomenon, all of that implies considering that the prior work is not sufficient, and that we can do what no one else achieved.

I was always impressed by those moments, when a person claims that all others may have failed, she however will succeed. It takes a lot of confidence to assume that, and maybe a little bit of madness too.

During my thesis work, I had the chance to work with those people. Researchers that innovate, find solutions, and make progress.

The first thing I understood was that progress doesn’t happen overnight. While it may look so from an outsider point of view, all innovations are made step by step. I was wrong on that point.

However, I was right about ego.

Ego is the reason that will push you to add a step. You need to believe in the fact that the step you are adding will have a significant impact. You need to believe that your step, even if it looks small, is important.

How to export that in our daily life

Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

We all do things for different reasons. However, there are always some common points.

Whether you want to start a business, launch a blog, write a book, be a teacher, be a scientist, work in sales, marketing... Whatever your project, you are trying to create some value, you are trying to innovate and to bring something unique.

The trick with your ego is that if you misuse it, it can be really toxic. Thinking that all others that started a business in the same field are not as good as you will certainly harm you.

However, by taming your ego, you can turn it to your advantage. Then, and only then, you can be proud of it and embrace it.

So many people are doing exactly the job I want to do, having the exact same qualifications, same skills. There’s simply no more room for me !

Yes, there is !

Find a new small step to add, a different way of applying a given skill, and be proud of it. Consider that small step as the key that changes everything. Communicate that step with pride and believe that it will have a significant impact.

You don’t need to bring something totally new to innovate in your field. You only need to bring the right step, and to embrace your ego by believing that it is THE step.

Thanks for reading!



Athmane Tadjine
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

PhD in Physics - I share what I learnt throughout the years, covering Nanotechnology, Science and Life. Twitter: @AthmaneTadjine |