Building a Business From a Bedroom, $98,130 and 11-Months In

Lessons learned sleeping 4ft from my office

Daniel Bourke
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


man with a mullet sitting at computer desk with camera on right and microphone over the top
Mullet in progress ft. my play station. Photo by Sam Bourke on Unsplash (thanks brother).

June 21st, 2019, was my last day in a salaried job.

Since then, I’ve been working for myself, running an online business from various cafes and my bedroom.

Someone asked at the start of the year what my goal was for the end of the year. I had none except to still be in business. So far, so good. You see, going from making $0 online to $1 online is hard. But once you’ve got a taste, you can use the same principles to keep the momentum going.

The main one, regardless of whether you’re at $0 per month or $100,000 per month: Bring people value that they’re willing to pay for.

How can you do this?

Build skills and teach people how to perform that skill. Entertain someone so they’d be disappointed if you were gone. Create a product someone wants in their lives.

Of course, there are more, and you can mix and match them to suit your tastes. The red thread being, you have to create something.

Once you have a paying customer, you’re a business.

How do I make money?

