Cultivating A Meaningful Life

Basma K
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
5 min readMay 2, 2018
Photo by @bukeii

Close your eyes for a moment. Think about your day. What you wake up for specifically everyday. The things you do on a daily basis. The people you talk with. The fun things you do. The things you listen to. The stuff you mostly think about. Now, ask yourself these three questions:

1- Does what I am doing matter?

2- Do I enjoy what I’m doing?

3- Am I passionate about what I’m doing?

Think of the questions you’ve approved and reconsider the things you didn’t.

There is definitely no right or wrong in this. But as a self-reminder, we all need to revisit such questions from time to time to ensure that we are living a meaningful life, an intentional life that WE OURSELVES would be satisfied with.

The last thing you would want is living a life to satisfy people around you, or a life that you do not admire or fall for.

Developing a meaningful life has always been a battle for many of us. The struggle to be ourselves in a world that wants us to be anything, but our real selves is definitely one of the barriers. The good news is that we can win this battle if we devote the required efforts and be more intentional in what we do.

Despite the societal pressure on how a meaningful life should look like, we need to keep in mind that there is definitely no structured definition to what a meaningful life is. Instead, it is tailored to each person differently according to their own needs, preferences and what makes them feel good and happy about themselves.

We all are in the same roller-coaster of trying to find our purpose. Some of us enjoy the ride, and some don’t. If you do, then you’re good to go. If not then try to positively self-talk; to better know yourself, to understand what you’re happy and unhappy about, how you think or feel.

Tip: maybe a journal could be a good way to start organizing your thoughts.

Everyone finds meaning in different things and in different ways

There is absolutely no need to seek reassurance or approval of others around you because we were all created differently and uniquely, and what might make sense to someone might be complete insanity to another.

Often times we find ourselves in a road that is not our own, but on the bright side; you’re responsible for that change, figuring out your path and living your life the way you want. Only you get to tailor your life the way you want it to be.

We all try to seek happiness in life, but, we often forget to live the present moment. And I figured that most of us are either stuck in the past or draining themselves over thinking the future; searching for happiness as if it only exists somewhere there and we end up getting emptied before even reaching our goal because we were too distracted and not living nor feeling the present moment.

Alongside my journey, I figured that happiness is just a passing feeling/emotion same as feeling sad or excited and it will fade away after a while. But, if we intend to live an intentional life then this feeling will be accompanying us along the road.

I found happiness every time I worked on something that meant to me personally even if it was a tiny brick that added up to something else. Every time I listened to someone or helped in a way or another. Every time I felt challenged and was carried out of my comfort zone.

Oscar, is one of my good, close inspiring friends. At the age of 17 He went to med school in order to please his parents. Later on, he figured that this wasn’t really his passion. Nothing close to what he wanted or imagined himself doing.

He graduated.

At the age of 24 he moved to another city in Mexico; Vallarata to try to discover his passion there, then afterward, he moved to the US to settle down in San Francisco. It’s worth mentioning that he worked in so many different fields during that whole period; in fashion, had his store to sell his own line of women’s handbags, worked at hotels, restaurants, managed a tea lounge, many more jobs in between. Ultimately, Oscar joined different tech companies, and this is where I met him and was stunned that someone actually gave up his med certificate to look for his real passion instead.

With all the ups and downs he has encountered along the road he told me that his life was everything but boring! Ever since, Oscar has been an inspiration to many of us and I personally have learned a lot:

1- A degree means nothing if you weren’t passionate about it.

2- Happiness and success come in different flavors.

3- The journey of self-discovery is a life long journey that requires attention and commitment.

4- Never settle down on anything. If you’re not happy about it, do something!

To conclude, it’s just too easy to fall into any routine and get carried away where you feel all safe and comfortable but at utmost unhappy about your life.

One simple advice I would like to give is that don’t be afraid to ask questions whenever you feel lost. Seek knowledge because a meaningful life starts with knowledge.

Most importantly ask yourself “why am I doing what I am doing?” this simple question might save your time and energy. Once we know the “why”, we develop a sense of purpose, it derives us eventually into living a more meaningful life.

Don’t let life pass by you, make every day worth living!

Feel free to share your perspective on what an intentional life means to you! :)

